#EndHungerNow Lynch Road Expansion Project
A Message from our Executive Director

Ending hunger is within our reach. Since 1982 Tri-State Food Bank has humbly and quietly distributed food to agencies and feeding programs and has grown to play a major role in the fight against hunger in the Tri-State. Though hard to accept, hunger is undeniably a national problem, and it does not discriminate geographically or socially. Ultimately, hunger is a result of financial hardship, and hardship comes in a multitude of forms. Though the food bank network can’t control or prevent hardship, we can help those in need by providing emergency food to fill the gap when money runs out. No one living in the United States of America should ever go hungry. It’s simply unacceptable.
During the Great Recession food insecurity rates across the country spiked to over 17% nationally, and today, though they have eased downward to 12.5%, they have not returned to pre-Recession rates of 12%. And food insecurity rates here in the Tri-State stand at 13% and consistently remain above the national average. The poor are still poor, and there is a growing segment of society which the United Way refers to as ALICE — Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed – whose income is above the threshold to receive federal assistance, yet who struggle to make ends meet and put food on the table.
According to Feeding America data, there are 19 million missing meals annually in Tri-State Food Bank’s 33-county service area before intervention. Currently Tri-State Food Bank provides 7 million meals, and another 5 million meals come from other sources including TSFB partner agencies. That leaves 7 million meals still missing from families’ tables. Through collaboration, the support of the community, and the proper infrastructure, we can fill this hunger gap.
To meet this objective, Tri-State Food Bank has increased its capacity to move more food and operate more efficiently by renovating and relocating to a larger, more efficient facility. Our goal is to fill the hunger gap, focus on our most vulnerable populations — children, senior citizens, those living in rural communities — and provide a total of 14 million meals annually by the year 2030. This bold strategy is being embraced by Feeding America food banks across the country, and we can accomplish it here in our community, with you as our partner to End Hunger Now.
Thank you for supporting our mission.
- Glenn Roberts, Executive Director
Faces of Hunger
"To everyone who makes Kids Cafe possible, I want to say thank you. You're making a difference in my daughter's life."
"Being sick is difficult, but it's even more difficult when I'm struggling to make ends meet and can't work to pay the bills. Thankfully, this pantry provides me with basic nutritional needs."
"Of course, I was hesitant to come get food at first. I've always provided for myself and my family. But I do what I must to survive now, and to me, this food bank means survival."
"As a veteran, it's really tough to ask for help. The Navy taught me to be independent. I was ashamed to admit that I couldn't make it on my own. My daughters were the only reason I ended up asking for assistance."
"The extra groceries meant that we could keep our mortgage paid, our heat on and our kids fed, and slowly, we began to get our feet back under us."
"The volunteers who bring the food are just wonderful and I look forward to seeing them. It makes my day.
New Facility Naming Opportunities
Main Warehouse
Includes prominent signage outside and inside the warehouse. (1 available)
Volunteer Center
Underwritten by:
Includes prominent signage outside the unit. (1 available)
Includes prominent signage outside the unit. (1 available)
Skylight Multipurpose Room
Includes prominent signage outside and inside the room. (1 available)
Agency Shopping Area
Prominent signage outside and inside the area. (1 available)
Administrative Office Area
Underwritten by East Side Christian Church.
Cold Dock / Fresh Produce Area
(1 available)
Reach-in Cooler & Freezer Unit
(1 available)
Main Warehouse Aisle
Underwritten by:
Agency Pickup Dock Door
(5 available)
One Pallet Bin
Metal plaque with engraved name fixed to racking bar at eye level. (200 available)
Lynch Road Renovation Photos
Donate Now
A History of Tri-State Food Bank's Facilities

Our Operating Model Explained in Seven and a Half Words

What will the future look like?

Please consider making a generous gift or pledge to the End Hunger Now Campaign today! Multi-year pledges (up to 5 years) are accepted.
Naming opportunities are available ranging from $5,000 to $1,000,000.
To learn more, contact:
Glenn Roberts
Executive Director
(812) 303-3558
glennroberts (at symbol) tristatefoodbank (dot) org